QRT Project

The QRT Project came as a result of talking with my daughter and my son about Ciara's undergraduate second year final pieces for her exhibition. Ciara has been working on a tryptych of large drawings that are based on Dante's Inferno. She has been concerned with our obsession with social media and how it seems to distract us from the reality of the world around us. My son, a computer science student, was then perfect to bounce ideas off relating to something I had in mind to reconnect people with the landscape, and then elevate the landscape within art once more (to fight back against the negative critique of the genre). I also believe in the importance of seeing art works in galleries to experience the power of the works and to understand the artist's response to the world we are losing touch with. QRT is my way of building very links between places and people and those unique responses to those places.

On the right of this page, I tried to list some things I feel this will address in some small way.
By using the very technology that causes the disconnect between the real world and us, I feel we can turn that weapon back on itself to re-establish the vital connects we need with the land if we have any chance of protecting it.

The first QRT piece is going to be going live very soon and I'll update my social media pages as soon as it does. 

  • Celebrate the landscape
  • Reconnect people with places
  • Celebrate artist interpretations
  • Use the reliance on technology 
  • Understand artist's interpretations