Dipping my toes back into the fast moving stream of the art world...

28/07/2023:After many years away from exhibiting work and working as a professional artist, this year I decided to dip my toes back into the scene and ended up taking a deep dive rather than a toe-dipping. 

I wanted to test the waters and see if I could relaunch my career as a painter. 

The table on the right is a brief snapshot of what I've done since January this year and I'll try and explain what's happened and will keep you updated over the next few months.

Had a couple of lovely replies from Galleries and have agreed to show in a group show with the Studio Cennen in Llandeilo in September.
Instagram is now just over 200 followers. I had over 3000 friends on Facebook but the account was hacked by some low life and Facebook seem to think it was my fault and have banned me from the platform, so that avenue is now out of the equation.
I have painted over a 100 oil paintings based on the landscape in and around the Swansea Valley. That alone has been worth the effort and have made several sales in the process. These sales came from Facebook (before I was hacked) and Instagram.
I entered the Jackson's Open Art Exhibition but got nowhere with that. I also entered the King Lear Prize for painting (selection later in September) and I also entered the Visual Arts Association Professional Artists Award and have recently received a certificate for being longlisted for that prize. Shortlisting is later this year.
All in all, a decent start.

First baby steps:
  • Set up my work space
  • Produced a body of oil paintings
  • Selected a sample for framing
  • Selected a sample for a website
  • Created my Instagram account and TicToc
  • Sent approach messages out to galleries via Instagram
  • Used Chat GPT to create meta tags and hashtags and some text for website
  • Entered Open Art Competitions